12 Days of Christmas series #6: Funny White Elephant Gift Ideas

What is up you guys!

Welcome to day #6 of my 12 Days of Christmas series! I’m sharing Christmas/winter inspired blog posts (like a blogmas) from December 14-25. Question of the day: If you could pack up and go on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?

This week at school we are doing a white elephant gift exchange. Normal, right? Here’s the catch: we can’t spend any money and the gifts have to be pretty funny or wacko! Here are some ideas for any white elephant gift exchange,whether you can buy something or not! So here we go»

#1: Kids movie

Like Veggie Tales, My Little Pony, sky’s the limit baby!

#2: “Melted Snowman”

All you have to do for this gift is get a water bottle, take off the label and replace it with one that says, “Melted Snowman”. I thought this was so cute (and hilarious at the same time. Is that possible)!


#3: OCD killer

AAAAAH! No. This is so wrong…..but so funny! For those OCD friends.


#4: How to Package Toilet paper

So, this is for those REALLY close friends. Or the ones you don’t want so close!toiletpaper


These were just SOME of the funny ones I thought were “doable”. Another favorite is to package some Cheerios in a bag and label, “Donut seeds. Just add milk.So which gift will you be trying? I’m doing the kid’s movie! Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas!

Until next time,




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